Do you struggle with chronic pain, depression, lack of motivation for self-care, or clarity for decision making? Have you considered that negative trapped emotions could be contributing to these issues?
In the two decades that I’ve been working with clients, who’ve come to me to help them relieve their physical aches and pain, there are times it comes back no matter how frequent their sessions are or what techniques I try.
I have learned that there are usually a couple of reasons why their pain keeps showing up. They are not implementing healthy habits to help combat their stressors, they’re not actively looking for ways to eliminate them, or they have trapped emotions from past or present issues contributing to their pain.
We must be willing to look at our Stress, Habits, Irritations, and Triggers to see what is causing our physical pain or negative patterns that do not allow us to self-reflect and grow. It is essential to look at your mental, emotional, and physical health as a whole because they all feed into each other. If you are ignoring one of these areas of your life, it could be why you are feeling stuck and not creating the life you desire.
Recently, I had the honor to be part of ABC15’s Sonoran Living Live morning show, which was all about Women and Wellness. I talk about how our physical issues play into our emotional and mental states and vice versa. If you’re like most people and struggle with tightness in the lower back and upper body, watch this short video with tips on what stretches to do to get relief and an explanation of how The Emotion Code works.

Teresa with the hosts of Sonoran Living Live, Susan Casper on the left, and Terri Ouellette on the right.
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Curious and want to learn more about how The Emotion Code works, below is an overview.
Just as the Human body has vascular systems that run blood and lymph from head to toe, our bodies also stream electromagnetic energy through an interconnected system that flows throughout the entire body.
This system was discovered over 5,000 years ago and is the basis for acupuncture therapies, the efficacy of which is well documented and accepted by health organizations worldwide, including the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Have you heard that the power of your intention and thoughts can set the tone or change the outcome of your day or life? It is proven that thoughts are things. Thoughts and beliefs elicit somatic or bodily responses. For example, we know that anger elicits increased heart rate and blood pressure. Anxiety and nervousness make you feel like you have knots in your stomach, or you get sweaty.
We learn from the study of Physics that all things have an energetic vibration, including thoughts. Negative emotions and their energies disrupt or block the flow of our energy to various organs and areas of the body, causing weakness, pain, dysfunctions, disease, etc.
The study of mental and emotional therapies to release these trapped negative energies began as early as the 1930s, and today there are many effective emotional release modalities. From Teresa’s personal experience, she found that the fastest and most effective therapy is Emotion Code, which utilizes Applied Kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, to identify the trapped emotions in the body. Then a magnet is used down the governing meridian to release them. The governing meridian runs from the top of your head down to your tailbone. It is an energy reservoir that connects to all the acupuncture meridians of the body.
Since the magnet is energy, you are putting energy into the governing meridian that instantly flows into the body, and the trapped emotion is released. An analogy is when magnets come in contact with our credit cards, it can erase the info stored on it. For Emotion Code, it helps release the trapped emotions that allow us to let go of our old stories, identities and release the heavy baggage that we probably know we need to let go of but are unsure how.
Do you still have questions? Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to get them answered.
Are you ready to
Release | Align | Reset
Stop living a pattern. Live your life instead.
Break free from the same negative patterns of shame, fear, unworthiness. Learn tools to find your inner voice and feel fully aligned so that you can rewrite your own prescription for life! Leave a legacy of which you can be proud.
After seeing the same negative life patterns within myself and my clients for over two decades, I felt very inspired to design a formula that could remove the noise in our lives. This formula, my antidote, is called “The Porter Method“. This new methodology utilizes emotional release techniques, integrating physical movement with inner peace work. The variables of my formula require you to learn how to release your subconscious blocks, align with your authentic self, and give you the tools to reset and create a life by design.