Find moments of magic with meditation
When asked, “how are you doing,” what is your usual response?
One of the responses people usually have is “busy.” The truth is, “busy” is precisely the thing that is disconnecting us from ourselves and others.
Often, when people answer that way, they seem frazzled, overwhelmed, and not truly happy. At one point, I realized I was answering this way too. I took a step back to evaluate “the busyness of my life,” and I realized it’s SO FULL and rich.
Have you stopped to consider that the magic in life happens in the quiet moments between the “busyness?”
With being a working mother of three, I used to think I was too busy to slow down to meditate or be still, and at times, it is still challenging for me just to BE. I have found a way to take advantage of those quiet moments between the busyness to be still and present more often. I have since had many aha moments, more room for inspiration, a better sense of calm, and created a deeper connection with myself and those around me.
Imagine if in 2021 you could:
- Learn how to unplug from the noise that isn’t serving YOU
- Gain momentum by slowing down
- Have a deeper connection with yourself and those around you
- Have less anxiety
- Reclaim your JOY and passions
- Feel fully aligned
There are many ways to accomplish these goals; one of them is to learn to become present, which can come from starting and cultivating a meditation practice.
On January 9, 2021, I had my Reset Masterclass, in which I taught how our emotions and past trauma could contribute to our physical issues, disease, and cause blocks in our lives.
We went through:
- 2 step process to release your emotions
- Quick and simple ways to release our low back, hips, and upper body
- Learned what emotions could be connected to our physical issues
- How to check-in with ourselves daily and start addressing our needs and wants regularly
- My 5 To Thrive practice, I do with my coaching clients and how to set up a Power Hour to address your needs and wants!
- We covered A LOT!!
I also had my friend Mathew Blades from MIX 96.9 and iHeart radio talked about meditation and how it has changed his life with healing past trauma and chronic back pain. We also talked about:
- conscious parenting
- breaking negative patterns
- 3 simple ways to start meditation
We had such an insightful and in-depth conversation that I wanted to share this part of my Reset Masterclass with you! I hope it gives you some insight and inspiration to create positive change in your life for 2021! The whole conversation has nuggets of gold, if you want to jump ahead and learn the 3 simple ways to meditation, start the video at 44:50.

If you would like access to the whole Masterclass, click here to purchase the replay.
These are some of the many benefits of meditating: 1. It calms your nervous system Numerous studies prove that there are mental and physical health benefits of meditating. It stimulates and strengthens the vagus nerve, the longest nerve in our bodies. The vagus nerve helps regulate our breathing, heart rate, digestion, circulation, muscles, and more. Meditating is also proven to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is an important hormone when it’s within a healthy range. But far too many of us have heightened cortisol levels because of daily stress. Heightened cortisol levels can lead to all kinds of issues, including anxiety, poor sleep, digestion problems, high blood pressure, headaches, and even heart disease. Research shows that meditation can reduce cortisol, thereby easing stress, anxiety, and so many other physical symptoms. Your reduced stress also decreases inflammation and boosts your immune system! 2. Become less reactive Since I have started a regular meditation practice, I have learned to pause and respond more often rather than react. Inevitably, acting based on my first impulse led to a sense of regret and further complicated whatever issue I was dealing with. It was especially harmful in relationships because I’d get defensive, and reactive, and say things I would later regret. Instead of doing what I always did when a problem arose, I chose to do nothing. I decided to breathe through the discomfort and be still. In that stillness, I could hear my intuition tell me how to navigate the rest of the conversation to find peace more quickly. If I skip meditations, I find that I start becoming more irritable and reactive. I now crave my power hour, which includes mediation and is part of the 5 to Thrive recipe I teach my clients for winning back their day. Neuroscience research shows that meditation helps us be less emotionally reactive, grounded, centered, and mindful. 3. You start to connect to your intuition! In stillness, we can hear our intuition guiding us. Meditation practice is not just for relieving stress or silencing your racing thoughts. It does do those things — but it does so much more, too. When we meditate, we can transcend this world’s energy and step into a place of love. By slowing down your breath and shifting into a peaceful, connected state, you can more easily receive spiritual guidance. |
Are you ready to
Release | Align | Reset
Stop living a pattern. Live your life instead.
Break free from the same negative patterns of shame, fear, unworthiness. Learn tools to find your inner voice and feel fully aligned so that you can rewrite your own prescription for life! Leave a legacy of which you can be proud.
After seeing the same negative life patterns within myself and my clients for over two decades, I felt very inspired to design a formula that could remove the noise in our lives. This formula, my antidote, is called “The Porter Method“. This new methodology utilizes emotional release techniques, integrating physical movement with inner peace work. The variables of my formula require you to learn how to release your subconscious blocks, align with your authentic self, and give you the tools to reset and create a life by design.