If there is one thing I have learned from my amazing clientele it is that success in business, sports, parenting, or in life, in general, requires letting go of your fears and working through the difficult. I now understand that achieving your dreams is about pursuing a life, which is fulfilling and one where you feel comfortable and confident being you.
Over the past eleven years, Sirrine Studio and now Sirrine Yoga, have at times been a blessing and others been the most difficult thing I could ever imagine. Seeing the positive impact on the people it serves, and thanks to my amazing support network, these ventures have allowed my family and I to pursue a life full of passion. Taking the difficult step to invest in an idea took courage, one, which I contribute to faith and perseverance, however, most importantly, it took me looking beyond my fear, giving it a shot, and pushing through the difficulties.
Through necessity, I started Sirrine Studios. After financial struggles, my husband and I were searching for ways to secure our future. I realized that I had to look at life differently in a way to get better results. I quickly learned that I was my greatest enemy, which I had to put behind me if I wanted to help support my family. I wasn’t willing to let fear hold me back any longer. With passion, I pursued new clients and new business partnerships, I worked diligently to deepen my personal relationships and create a broader support network.
My goal was simple, create success.
Success as a goal became my personal motto and with my fears put behind me, Sirrine Yoga was created, which has to lead me to new business opportunities. Sirrine Yoga online was launched with a simple goal; make yoga available and comfortable to all people. With yoga sessions filmed throughout scenic Arizona landscapes and at trendy hot spots such as Postino’s, Sirrine Yoga is proving to be the new trend in yoga. My family and I are excited about the future once again.
Some of my mantras that I have learned to live by that have lead to amazing success and have made some of my wildest dreams come true…
- “Let go of your fears”
- “You don’t know till you try”
- “Success is in the follow through”
- “YOLO (You Only Live Once)”
- “Something is better than Nothing”
Some of the many things that have come from living by these mantras are…
- Watching my client play
- Filming at Postino
- Yoga on the lawn at Postinos 1 1/2 years!
- Filming with ABC15 Sonora Living Live
Move past fear, it will hold you back from becoming the BEST you and living the life you deserve. Find your passion, gather your support network, and go after your dreams.
Make 2018 your year.
Go get it, whatever “it” is.
View more photos on our Facebook Page: Yoga on the Lawn.