How many of you not sure how to stretch your calves deep enough or just want a different way to stretch them?
Meet one of my old clients and students, Bryant Fought. I knew him when I worked at L.A. Fitness in 2010. He was one of the GM’s and was training for his 1st physique show and decided after some convincing to add yoga to cross train. Fast forward to 2016, he now lives in a different state, is engaged and has two kids. He decided to get back into shape and train for another show, which meant he needed yoga again! He did his 1st show May 22, 2017, since 2012 and he placed 1st & Overall. Goes to show that you can do anything you put your mind to. Glad that yoga helped him in the process!
Don’t just watch, TRY IT
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To get access to a webinar with more info why it is important to stretch your calves and feet make sure to sign up for Sirrine Yoga before 9/27!
Sirrine Yoga Online:
Simple– Designed for all levels and practiced in a non-intimidating way
Convenient-Videos are 15-45 minutes, allowing even busy people to complete at home or on the go
For every BODY– Each video takes you through variations and stages, which allows you to track your progression to align with your ultimate goal of your yoga practice.
If you haven’t already joined the Sirrine Yoga Online Community, it isn’t too late. We are going to be adding more value over the coming months to your monthly membership:
- More info to help you get started
- Tools to help you stay motivated & accountable
- Monthly Live Q & A
- Ways to connect with other members
Are you ready to
Release | Align | Reset
Stop living a pattern. Live your life instead.
Break free from the same negative patterns of shame, fear, unworthiness. Learn tools to find your inner voice and feel fully aligned so that you can rewrite your own prescription for life! Leave a legacy of which you can be proud.
After seeing the same negative life patterns within myself and my clients for over two decades, I felt very inspired to design a formula that could remove the noise in our lives. This formula, my antidote, is called “The Porter Method“. This new methodology utilizes emotional release techniques, integrating physical movement with inner peace work. The variables of my formula require you to learn how to release your subconscious blocks, align with your authentic self, and give you the tools to reset and create a life by design.